
Ingredient List

The ingredient list may be sorted by location – great for taking stock, by vendor (supplier) – great for placing orders, or alphabetically.

Customize the list by choosing which columns to show or hide.

Ingredient Attributes

Edit an ingredient to set all the values of the attributes:

  • Waste. Example: 1 kg of purchased bananas translates to 400g after peeling. The waste is 60%.  If a recipe calls for 1kg of bananas, we must buy 2.5kg, as 60%, ie 1.5kg are waste
  • Variations: A variation is another version of the same ingredient. For example, it can be exactly the same but from two different vendors (suppliers) or the same ingredient from the same supplier, but in different pack type or size.  For example, Coca-Cola comes in a can or various size bottles. These are all variations.
  • Groups and Categories: These are essentially two different ways of grouping ingredients.  Groups could be Dry, Perishables, Dairy, Grain etc.  A second grouping option, by category, could be Front of House and Back of House, or Chilled and Ambient, and so on.
  • Allergens: Ingredient allergens are automatically applied to recipes calling for the ingredient.

Stock Levels

Stock is automatically updated as recipes are marked done and ingredients are depleted.  Make stock adjustments for missing stock, spillages, waste, theft and damages. Sort stock reports by vendor, by location and alphabetically.  Total value of stock in hand is always up to date and live. A great feature for year-end accounting.

Purchase Orders

Automatic shopping lists become purchase orders when emailed to your vendor. A reminder is emailed to you as deadline approaches

Receive Goods

Enter invoice number and date. Cross-check purchase order to invoice totals, instantly detect changes to prices or quantities.  Capture use by dates, delivery temperature, assign your own lot number and store in a given location. Reject goods if needed. Stock levels are updated.

Vendor Invoices

Purchase invoices are created from purchase orders and are ready to export to accounting, as well as being posted to the invoice library.


Create infinite locations and sublocations, as needed. For example,

  • Cold room
  • Right Shelf
  • Right top
  • Right middle
  • Right bottom
  • Middle Shelf
  • Middle top
  • Middle

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