Tips & Tricks

“Tab” and “Enter” – Hands off the mouse!

Hit the “Tab” key to navigate to the next field.

“Shift + Tab” takes you back up.

Hit “Enter” to “Add Item” etc.

“Tab” and “Enter” are very handy when entering orders – Standing and Cart.

Hands off the mouse
F11 Full Screen

“F11” Full Screen

“F11” at the top of your keyboard offers Full Screen.

Simply hit “F11” to exit full screen again.

“F11” should be used when submitting Feedback if buttons are not visible on the screen.

Repetitive Actions – Multiple Tabs

Example: you need to enter 5 Standing Orders.

From the customer dashboard, “CTRL+Click” (“CMD+Click” on Mac) the standing order link for every customer in question.  This opens up each Standing Order in a new tab in your browser.

Next, enter one standing order, then hit “Save” and move to the next tab.

While the former tab is saving, you may work on the others.

Now, point the mouse to the leftmost tab to close and click 5 times – all other 5 tabs will close.

Rec 07-04-18

“CTRL+Click” any link to open in a new tab.